What is the declaration of acquisition of inheritance in Poland?
What is the declaration of acquisition of inheritance in Poland?
The declaration of acquisition of inheritance in Poland is the official proof that the heir has the right to inherit. With this proof you can confirm your rights to the estate property against third parties, also in front of
– a bank if you want to withdraw funds accumulated on the testator’s account
– a notary or a buyer, when you plan to sell a property belonging to the inheritance
– a communication office if you wish to re-register the inherited car
– the debtor of a testator, when you want to collect the debt belonging to the estate
– housing cooperative, an open pension fund, a court, a competent municipality and many other institutions or persons.
In order to obtain a judicial declaration of acquisition of the inheritance, you need to initiate the appropriate procedure before a court by filing an application for a declaration of inheritance before the Polish inheritance court.
Our law firm specializes in inheritance cases and can speed up the process as much as possible thanks to its experience in cooperating with the authorities and working with interpreters and bailiffs. The cost of legal advice in such a case starts at 200 euros.
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Inheritance in Poland