Declaration of acceptance / rejection of inheritance

Declaration of acceptance / rejection of inheritance in Poland

Have you learned that your loved one has passed away? Are you his/her heir? Are you wondering if you want to inherit from her/him?

First of all, it should be noted that you have only six months from the discovery of the death of your loved one to make a statement regarding the acceptance / rejection of the inheritance. You can submit such a declaration before a notary or court.

If you wish to make a statement before a notary, you can make such a statement before a notary in the country where you are currently staying. In this case, however, you must also obtain an apostille clause on this document. Documents issued in another country must be recognized by a Polish court. Only the apostille clause confirms the legality and full legal force of such a document.

Polish law states that the deceased’s inheritance can be accepted or rejected. There is no way to accept or reject it only in part. The declaration of acceptance of inheritance cannot refer only to certain items of property of the Polish deceased. The declaration covers the entire estate after the testator.

If you do not make a declaration within 6 months after the discovery of your loved one’s death, Polish law assumes that in such a case you will receive an inheritance to the value of the inheritance property. In other words, you accept the inheritance under benefit of inventory.

We encourage you to take advantage of the assistance of experienced Polish inheritance lawyers.

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Inheritance in Poland