Grandparent’s Inheritance – can a grandchild inherit his or her grandparents’ property?

Grandparent’s Inheritance – can a grandchild inherit his or her grandparents’ property?
A will is the most common form of property disposition in the event of death in Poland. In it, the testator records his or her decision about who should inherit from him or her and how much. There is no reason why an inheritance cannot be left to grandchildren – one or all – in a Will. If there is no will, the inheritance proceeds, as in all other cases, according to the provisions of the Polish Civil Code.
The inheritance of a grandparent goes first to his wife and children. If the wife has died, the inheritance goes to her children. If the grandfather’s children are also deceased, then the grandchildren can inherit. However, it is important to note that not all grandchildren are affected, but only those whose parents (the grandfather’s children) are deceased. For the other grandchildren, the inheritance is done in the order presented above.
It may happen that an heir refuses the inheritance in Poland. This has an important impact on the question of the inheritance of the grandfather’s grandchildren. The person who has rejected the inheritance is treated as if he or she had not lived to inherit. Therefore, the right of inheritance passes to the grandchildren – the children, the parents, who rejected the inheritance.
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Inheritance in Poland