When do parents inherit from their children?

When do parents inherit from their children?
The division of property in Poland after the death of a person is often a difficult and complicated issue. Especially if the testator did not leave a will.
The absence of a will after death in Poland does not prevent the division of the deceased’s property. The inheritance rules of the Polish Civil Code clearly indicate who should receive what share of the testator’s estate. The children and the spouse of the deceased inherit first (the spouse’s minimum share is 1/4 of the estate).
If the testator’s children are not alive at the time of the distribution of the deceased’s estate, the inheritance is divided between the spouse and the grandchildren of the deceased. Parents inherit from a child only if the testator has no living descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren).
If a person who died in Poland has no descendants, but at the time of the distribution of the estate, the spouse and parents are alive, the inheritance is divided as follows:
Half of the estate goes to the spouse and a quarter to each of the parents.
If one of the parents is deceased, his or her share goes to the brothers and sisters of the deceased or to their descendants.
If the deceased leaves no descendants or parents, the estate is divided between the spouse and the siblings of the testator.
If the deceased has no children or spouse, the entire estate is divided equally among the parents. If one of them is deceased, a share of the money goes to the deceased’s brothers and sisters.
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Inheritance in Poland