Who can apply for a declaration of inheritance and become an heir in Poland?

Who can apply for a declaration of inheritance and become an heir in Poland?

The provisions of the law on inheritance in Poland regulate this issue quite briefly. Namely, any person with a legal interest can request a declaration of inheritance.

First of all, it should not be doubted that the heirs themselves and their descendants (heirs of the heirs) have a legal interest in declaring the acquisition of the deceased’s inheritance in Poland.

It should also be assumed that the legal interest in making such a claim also has the person who has a right to a legitim (so-called „reserved inheritance”, in Polish: „zachowek”).

Such a claim can also be effectively made by, among others, the testator’s creditors, the executor, legatees, purchasers of the inheritance, co-owners of the property included in the inheritance.

If you, as an heir, have received an application for a declaration of inheritance drawn up by other heirs or creditors of the testator, you must immediately respond to the application. Otherwise you may not get the inheritance rights due to you. Our law firm assists clients at every stage of inheritance proceedings.

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Inheritance in Poland